Thursday, August 6, 2009

my wishes

hey im kinda heartbroken ryte now i just dunnu what to say after what he said i really like you alot but im not gonna tell you i dunt want you to know that i still like you and i wont hold your hand i wont....yeah and it does feel hmm today has not really been a good day an d its daniel's birthday so happy birthday daniel..and i feel awkward to see you in sunday school after you said it i think we shouldnot be sitting together you should go and seat with the guys i bet you you qould feel so much more happier if you were with them so go ahead i dunt mind you can go and seat with them i can seat with the girls so thats it i think i dunt wanna have any boyfriends for now having a relationship now is just not nice the guy can say he likes you but he can lie
i will only accept to be in a relationship if the guy i like ask me.......and that is it i have enough of having a boyfriend but the best relationship i have been with is not saying the guy's name.


Olivia said...

hey, nick told me about this in school. he feels bad but i guess it's better if he tells you now instead of stringing it on right? don't not get a boyfriend though. too many hot guys out there XD

stephanie said...

hey, i think it was the right thing he did and i wont get another boyfriend, actually i dunt even plan too... i still like ur friend tough but i just want him to know.